After six years, Newton left seafaring and slave trading, committed his life to following Jesus, and became a minister. He did not immediately abandon the slave trade or become a committed Christian, but over the next few years became more and more convicted of his sins and of a life that was rebellious to God. They arrived home safely, and the experience left Newton reflective. In the midst of a storm that threatened to sink the ship he cried out for mercy, a prayer of desperation. On his return voyage to England Newton first began to see the amazingness of God’s grace. His abrasiveness led the captain to give Newton to a slave dealer named Amos Clowe who then gave Newton away as a slave where he remained, abused and in captivity, until his rescue more than two years later. The captain said Newton was the most foul-mouthed and offensive person he had encountered in the entire slave trade, to the point he even invented new obscenities. After recovering, Newton transferred to another ship, a slave trading ship. After being beaten severely-eight dozen lashes-he contemplated murdering the captain then committing suicide by hurling himself overboard. He was forced into naval service at age 18 but attempted to desert. John Newton, the song’s writer, certainly thought so.īorn in London in 1725, Newton led a fascinating life. One historian estimates that it is performed ten million times annually across the world.Ĭlearly there’s something amazing about grace.

It’s been performed by Diana Ross, Judy Collins, the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, Joan Baez, Aretha Franklin, Rod Stewart, Andrea Bocelli, Mahalia Jackson, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Whitney Houston, Willie Nelson, Destiny’s Child, Mumford & Sons, Alan Jackson, and a host of others. What do Nelson Mandela’s 70th birthday, Woodstock, a Barack Obama speech, Coal Miner’s Daughter, Fannie Lou Hamer’s civil rights marches, The Grand Ole Opry, and American churches have in common?Īll of them have featured “Amazing Grace.”